PhaseID System

The Origo PhaseID System now makes it possible to quickly and easily determine energized phase attributes anywhere in your system. Use it on primary, secondary, overhead, underground, livefront, deadfront, transformers, switching cabinets, junction cabinets, elbow test points, URD cable, lead shielded feeders, substations, residential or commercial meters, wall sockets, light switches, or any other live conductors (insulated or non-insulated).

This is not a phasing stick. New innovative technology allows the phase attribute of any energized conductor to be determined by using a GPS timing signal to simultaneously measure phase at a reference location and at a field location. The readings are then compared. Since the phase attribute at the reference location is known, the phase attribute at the field location can be determined.


The PhaseID System is a simple lightweight convenient instrument that allows you to identify the phase attribute (A,B,C) of any energized conductor, at any voltage or current, anywhere within your utility.


The basic concept of the PhaseID System is very simple. GPS timing signals are used to obtain snapshot phase measurements at an unknown field location and at a known reference location at the same instant of time.

When these two measurements are compared, the phase attribute at the unknown field location can be determined.


Simply put, complete system phase knowledge is required to operate a smooth, balanced, efficient, well maintained utility. For example, phase knowledge allows distribution load balance to be obtained and maintained as new customers are added.

Lineman Manual Field Probe — This is our original PhaseID probe, introduced in 2003, and still one of our best sellers.

Handheld Manual Field Probe — This version operates like the Lineman version but doesn’t require touching the conductor.

Lineman Datalogger Field Probe — This was the original real-time version of the Lineman Manual Field Probe.

Handheld Datalogger Field Probe — This was the original real-time version of the Handheld Manual Field Probe.

G3 Field Probe — This was our latest real-time version.  It replaces the Datalogger versions by combining their functions. (Click here to view brochure)

G4 Field Probe — This is our latest real-time version.  Physically, it is identical to the G3 Field Probe, except for its software, which adds new features.  It is designed to work with  the Smartphone App, instead of with the Windows Field PC.  All the slides and videos on the G3 Field Probe page are applicable to the G4 Field Probe, except the G4 only works with the App, and not with the Windows PC.