G3 Field Probe
This is the most productive phase identification tool available in the world. Linemen, and even non-linemen, can routinely phase identify 100+ overhead lines per day simply by driving down the road and poking it out the window. This is in stark contrast to the dozen or so measurements per day typically made with “touch-the-line” tools offered by competitors.
The G3 Field Probe combines the functionality of our previous real-time Lineman and Handheld Datalogger field probes. It works by proximity so it is never required to actually touch the conductor. However, by including an extendo adapter, it can be positioned near the conductor being measured in crowded circuit situations.
The following images illustrate the incredible features of the G3 Field Probe. As it operates identical to our earlier Handheld versions, some of the images contain phasing examples using the Handheld model.
G3 Fast Phasing Video
Click full screen icon on bottom player bar to right of HD for best viewing.
Fast Phasing Made Possible by the G3 Field Probe
Operating the G3 Field Probe
This video illustrates how to change batteries and operate the G3 Field Probe.
Click full screen icon on bottom player bar to right of HD for best viewing.