We have obtained multiple patents on our products which adds value to the Origo Corporation product line both for its current owners and for any future owners over the 20 year life of these patents.
The Origo Corporation respects the intellectual property of others. We expect that other manufacturers respect the intellectual property of the Origo Corporation as well. Although it is difficult for a small company to enforce patents, at some point during their life, these patents will be acquired by a larger company that can enforce them.
Each patent, along with an overview of the technology and products they protect, are provided below.
Apparatus and Method for Identifying Cable Phase in a Three-Phase Power Distribution Network. US Pat. 6,667,610. Effective Date 3-11-2002. Issued 12-23-2003.
This is Origo’s original and fundamental patent for phase identification. It patents the technique of measuring an instantaneous conductor phase at two different locations at the same instant of GPS time, comparing those two instantaneous phase measurements, and determining the unknown field phase attribute using the known reference location phase attribute. All Origo phase identification products are based on this fundamental patent and technology.
Click here to view patent.
Apparatus and Method for Identifying Cable Phase in a Three-Phase Power Distribution Network. US Pat. 7,031,859. Continuation-in-part of US Pat. 6,667,610. Issued 4-18-2006.
This patent expands on Origo’s original patent 6,667,610 by patenting the method of measuring and storing the reference location instantaneous phase once every GPS second. Instantaneous phase measurements at the field location are also measured and stored at a GPS second. At a later time, the stored instantaneous field location phase is compared to the stored instantaneous reference location phase to determine the field location phase attribute.
This technique eliminates the requirement of implementing real-time communication between the field and reference locations. It allows phase measurements to be made in remote locations where communications are not available and then translate these measurements into phase attributes at any convenient later time. All Origo phase identification products are based on this patented technology.
This patent also extended phase attribute measurements from the 3 primary attributes (A,B,C) to all 12 secondary phase attributes (A,-A,B,-B,C,-C,AB,-AB,BC,-BC,CA,-CA). This allows secondary transformer phase measurements to determine which primary or primaries are feeding the transformer. All Origo phase identification products support and are based on this patented technology.
Click here to view patent.
Apparatus and Method for Determining the Status of an Electric Power Cable. US Pat. 7,154,281. Issued 12-26-2006.
Apparatus and Method for Determining the Status and Phase of an Electric Power Cable. US Pat. 9,046,558. Issued 6-2-2015.
These patents describe methods and apparatus for determining the energized status of underground residential distribution (URD) cable. Patent 9,046,558 describes additional methods and apparatus for determining both the energized status and phase of URD cable. The Origo URD Probe is based on the technology described in these two patents.
Click here to view patent 7,154,281.
Click here to view patent 9,046,558.
Method and Apparatus for Phase Identification in a Three-Phase Power Distribution Network. US Pat. 8,533,121. Issued 9-10-13.
This patent describes methods and apparatus for providing a reference phase server that can be simultaneously used by multiple field clients for real-time phase identification via wireless Internet or satellite modem. This technique eliminates the requirement of implementing separate phone modems and phone numbers for each field phase identification unit. The Origo Datalogger phase identification products are based on this patented technology.
Click here to view patent.
Non-Contact Phase Identification Method and Apparatus. US Pat. 8,570,024. Issued 10-29-13.
This patent describes methods and apparatus for simultaneously phase identifing multiple conductors using a non-contact field probe. This technique allows the phase of high overhead conductors to be determined from ground level without using an extendo stick and can be used by non-linemen. The Origo Handheld phase identification products are based on this patented technology.
Click here to view patent.
Method and Apparatus for Phase Identification in a Three-Phase Power Distribution Network using Servers. US Pat. 9,255,954. Issued 2-9-16.
This patent describes the implementation of an Internet based server for reference location phase that can service a large number of field location users simultaneously over the Internet without the need for dedicated phone links to each field location users. The Origo PhaseID System phase identification products are based on this patented technology.
Click here to view patent.
Live URD Cable Elbow Connectivity Identification Method and Apparatus. US Pat. 10,551,426. Issued 2-4-20.
This patent describes how to quickly and easily identify live URD elbow connectivity between junction cabinets in underground electric utility power distribution circuits so URD connected elbows can be correctly tagged. The Origo G3 & G4 PhaseID System Current Adapter product is based on this patented technology.
Click here to view patent.
Phase Identification Display Method. US Pat. 10,976,349. Issued 4-13-21.
This patent describes methods to provide a new and improved display of phase identification measurements using a Smartphone App, which makes it easier and more intuitive to interpret and setup tagging reference phase. The Origo Lineman, G3, and G4 Field Probes are supported using this App.
Click here to view patent.
Artificial Buoyancy Method and Apparatus. US Pat. 11,472,537. Issued 10-18-22.
This patent describes new revolutionary methods to provide aeronautical lift to a broad range of products. An extremely beneficial product for the Electric Utility Industry would be a free floating “Lineman Bucket” that could be carried in their standard pickup Trouble Truck (See White Papers for additional information).
Click here to view patent.